Tuesday, April 10, 2012

This little piggy came to visit

Just discovered a piglet in the house, and I mean a real one. I was lying on the couch looking at the TV when I kept hearing some grunting and knocking noises. I thought it was one of the dogs or the wind on the shutters so I remained on the couch. I kept hearing more grunts so I decided to get up and see what was going on only to find a piglet coming up the corridor towards me heading for the TV room. Now the DQ (drama queen) in me came to the fore, I shrieked to my husband Chuck that there was a piglet in the house. Luckily the dogs were unaware of it so we shooed them out and I went back to find it. I couldn't find the piglet so I went into the back garden and around the house hoping that the dogs hadn't attacked it, I then heard a grunting in the back yard coming from the lawn mower shed. I quickly ran around and saw this pink piglet looking for an exit. I ran and opened the back gate and out he trotted. Don't know how he got into the house without being detected. He was one inquisitive piglet and I do hope he finds his way home. I hope there was only one since I hadn't checked upstairs.  
ps...A half hour later my husband shouted"he's back". I grabbed my camera and went to investigate. The cutie piglet trotted into the kitchen with much familiarity and wandered around the foyer, passed  the dog food grunting as he investigated. He passed me and continued down the corridor and exited through one of the side doors. The dogs never made a sound they just watched the piglet wondering who the heck was that?
Talk about a pig in a house!


  1. Hahaha, it's so cute, but i wonder why piglets are free there roaming like that. Your dogs are not like ours, very territorial and will definitely attack something not familiar. I laughed when you said there might be a piglet upstairs! A piglet cannot go up your stairs, even a big pig cannot, even if you pull it by the head.

  2. Real cute! Hope he returned home safely:)

  3. saw your comment on the Blotanical forums. If I click your Feedburner button up top - it takes me to - my own blogfeed. You need to sort something there ...


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