Saturday, December 15, 2012

Garden Blogger's Bloom Day Dec 2012

 Begonias enjoying the cooler temperatures.
 These dwarf browallias with their pretty blue flowers make a great border and ground cover.
 My snow on the mountain right (euphorbia leucocephala) on target for Christmas, she is on her last legs  but not giving up the fight.
 Yellow ground orchids still putting on a show
 Purple ground orchids not wanting to be left out of the party
Galphima glauca (thyrallis or showers of gold)

Hello and welcome to Garden Blogger's Bloom Day where gardeners form around the world show what is blooming in their gardens. Last night the temperatures dipped to 70 degrees F or 20 degrees C so  it was very pleasant out in the garden in the early hours this morning. 

To see what is blooming in other gardens around the world please visit Carol at May dreams gardens.

My deepest condolences to the people of Newtown Connecticut who have lost their babies and loved ones. It is very hard to fathom out why someone would do something like this except that there are many mentally sick individuals amongst us with very easy access to guns. May you find comfort in these difficult times.


  1. Oh Helen hi, how are you, haven't seen you for a long time. You have nicer temperatures than us here, because we seem to be already starting our dry season in Luzon, even if a lot of floods wrecked havoc and deaths in Mindanao last week, getting almost 2K lives. Your plants look healthy and happy. I also got a commenter for the first time from Caribbean, her name is Nicole.

  2. Your flowers are beautiful. Tropicals have fallen to frost here except for the beauties I dragged inside.

  3. Hi Helen, that was quite cool. Normally we have cool winters but this year November was unusually warm and December is cool but not chilly. The good thing is the sea is still nice and warm to swim in the mornings.

    I only recently got some ground orchids, love the look of yours.

  4. Also love your snow on the mountain-quite spectacular.

  5. I love the white begonias and the caladium in with them. I agree with Nicole: your ground orchids look great. I have seen the purple before but the yellow is new to me. Just gorgeous.

  6. Je visite toujours avec beaucoup de plaisir le jardin sur le web et encore plus les jardins des Tropiques.
    Mon fleurit-noël (snow on the mountain) n'a pas encore une seule fleur cette année, je l'avais peut être taillé trop tard
    Tu peux aller sur mon blog car j'ai mis des photos du jardin
    Bon dimanche dans ta famille.

  7. Andrea...... I am fine and I am sorry to hear about the floods in your country. Temperatures are like a yo yo here, we have gone back to warmer nights around 24C. I know Nicole she came to visit Benthams House Gardens a few years ago. A very NICE person.

    Nell Jean.... you know sometimes I wish for some frost just to cool things down and to get a break but I can't stand the thought of my plants dying.

    Nicole ...I find that the ground orchids do not like full sun and they do better in pots for me. They do go through a period of looking awful that is usually a signal to repot them. They like frequent fertilizing. The temperatures are like a yo yo one minute it is down then it gets heated again. Don't know when last I went to the beach. Probably the last time I went with you when you were here.

    Marisa...Thank you I just love the yellow, it is the second time trying with them.

    Janine...C'est domage ton fleuri-noel n'a pas une fleur cette annee. Y a t'il une luminere a cote ou toute pres? Normalment si il y a trop de luminere c'est pas bon et pas des fleurs. Bonne semaine!

  8. those flowers are just beautiful I recently moved do you know if I can gow those from an apartment for rent buenos aires

  9. Helen, I come here to wish you MERRY CHRISTMAS! Your garden is looking good. Have a wonderful holiday, yeah.


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