Begonias enjoying the cooler temperatures.
These dwarf browallias with their pretty blue flowers make a great border and ground cover.
My snow on the mountain right (euphorbia leucocephala) on target for Christmas, she is on her last legs but not giving up the fight.
Yellow ground orchids still putting on a show
Purple ground orchids not wanting to be left out of the party
Galphima glauca (thyrallis or showers of gold)
Hello and welcome to Garden Blogger's Bloom Day where gardeners form around the world show what is blooming in their gardens. Last night the temperatures dipped to 70 degrees F or 20 degrees C so it was very pleasant out in the garden in the early hours this morning.
To see what is blooming in other gardens around the world please visit Carol at May dreams gardens.
My deepest condolences to the people of Newtown Connecticut who have lost their babies and loved ones. It is very hard to fathom out why someone would do something like this except that there are many mentally sick individuals amongst us with very easy access to guns. May you find comfort in these difficult times.