
Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Fire Fire

Hello friends I haven't been blogging for a while and so much has happened at the homestead. Earlier this year around March during a very dry spell, there was a huge bush fire on some land nearby and the fire service was called to put it out. There is a petrol station nearby so the fire service made sure it was extinguished before it got too close.  I was outside observing the path it was taking and was surprised that the fire service left saying that the remaining fire will burn itself out and pose no danger. 

I had some compost heaps along the border and had seen the fire creeping towards my property. I got my hose out and started wetting down the border line. The fire came closer and closer catching any dried grass in its path. I shouted to my husband to call the Fire Service.  I kept wetting along the border where the compost heaps were. The fire got really close and the heat intensified. Finally the Fire Service arrived and one of the officers took over my hose and started trying extinguish the fire. Meanwhile further down the fire reignited and had spread, the fire truck was trying to put out the fire that was heading to the largest compost heap between some mahogany trees near the gas station. It caught the compost heap there so they allowed it to burn itself out and turned their attention to the other compost heap; this heap was further away. 

 Some of the trees in the walled garden were damaged and I decided to cut them down.

When I saw that the flames were going for the heap I told them to let it burn. I had  some very tall coconut trees along the border and was afraid of them catching but they did. 

 So I had the coconut trees cut down and planted dragon fruit.


  1. Oh my goodness! Even though you lost quite a bit, I am so glad you and your home were spared.

    1. Thank you isn't mother nature amazing? One would never have known a fire occurred with the greenery now covering the ground.

  2. Oh Helen, how sad to see that devastation. I am sure you will get it back to its former glory and at least your house was spared. Any of your neighbours hit by the same fire? Stay safe.


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