
Showing posts with label frangipani moth caterpillar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label frangipani moth caterpillar. Show all posts

Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Good, The Bad and The Buggly

Good news, the blue/purple lagerstromia speciosa tree I planted last weekend has new leaves.

 Day three after planting with new leaves appearing.

One week after planting  the leaves are larger and plentiful.

Well now for the bad news, I can state that these are the fatalities of the great flood I had in April.

Three of my clerodendron quadriloculare have succumbed to flooding of their planting bed.  I will replace them in a few weeks time.

This photo shows what it was like when times were good.
Now all that is there is a lone shrub missing its three companions.

And now for the buggly: these Franginpani (Plumeria)moth caterpillars have taken over several of my Frangipani trees. I am sooo tired of knocking them off that I have actually given up on this tree.

They do give me the creeps and even though they are colourful and considered pretty (YUKKK) they do defoliate the trees in no time.  Good thing they do not kill the trees. Wishing all my gardening friends around the globe, a great weekend in the garden!