
Showing posts with label plumeria. Show all posts
Showing posts with label plumeria. Show all posts

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Garden Blogger's Bloom Day June 2017

 Adenium  aka desert rose
 Calliandra emarginata aka dwarf  powder puff
 Heliconia rostrata aka lobster claw
 Plumeria aka frangipani

Delonix regia aka Royal poincianna, flamboyant, gul mohur

 Dragon fruit flower
Young dragon fruit aka pitaya
 Dragon fruit flower bud
 Tecoma x smithtii aka orange bells
 Zephyrantes aka rain lilies

 Ground orchids

Hello and welcome to GBBD where gardeners around the globe post what is blooming in their gardens. Yesterday we had a day of rain after a long dry spell.  It felt good! 
I have been trying to grow some Matthiolas aka night scented stocks  and I cant get them to bloom. I have lost several but these here are holding on. Anyone who has had experience growing these please drop me a line on how to get them to bloom. 
To see more blooming gardens please visit Carol at may dreams gardens
Have a great week folks!

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Garden Blogger's Bloom Day May 15th 2017

Plumeria/Frangipani, Singapore Plum
Portlandia grandifolra

Denrobium orchid
Cardwell lily
Curry leaf flower
Spathiphyllum aka peace lily, its leaves are slug magnet
Desert Rose/adenium
Hello and welcome to GBBD where gardeners around the globe post what is blooming in their gardens. Today I am showing some of the white flowers in my garden.   We've recently had some rain after a very dry spell. I can't say for sure it is the start of  our rainy season but I will keep my finger crossed. 
To see more blooming gardens please go over and visit Carol at    May dreams gardens 
Have a great week folks!

Friday, April 15, 2016

Garden blogger's Bloom Day April 2016

 My three Pink cassia grandis trees are in bloom around the garden.
 These remind me of the Rosebuds you see along the roads in North and South Carolina and in Virginia.

Rosebud tree in South Boston Virginia.

 The water level in the ponds is low and am hoping for a day of rain to fill them.
 The sky clouded up yesterday, I got excited  and we got some badly needed showers.

Frangipani in bloom, the air is filled with its perfume.

 Hello and welcome to GBBD where gardeners around the globe post what is blooming in their gardens.  It has been Hotttt and dry. We are in drought mode and remain on water restrictions. This however has not stopped many of the drought loving trees and shrubs from bursting forth with their blooms. 
I have been growing some annuals for sale at the local farmer's market and have been designing and building space saving plant display units. 
 My gardener and I collaborated and we came up with this. We used recycled wood.
To see more blooming gardens please hop over to Carol's at May dreams gardens
Have a wonderful weekend and hoping we get some more rain. A special shout out to all local and regional gardeners!