
Showing posts with label flood waters Barbados north. Show all posts
Showing posts with label flood waters Barbados north. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

the aftermath

Today is day nine after the great flood and the cleaning up is underway. I will know in a few weeks time which trees and plants will have survived this. The palms can usually take flooding in their stride however the water normally lasts two days. This time it lasted five days. I don't know if they will make it.
These golden palms were under water  in the photo below.
Bearsie dog checking out the silt covered grass, notice he is always there whenever I am taking photos.
Two days before the flood, I brought my car down to help pull this Jamaican rain tree (brya ebenus)upright. It had fallen during Tomas. It was staked up and we were quite proud of our handiwork. Looks like we will have to do it all over again.
The shade house is all cleaned up and looks like a place to have a cuppa or two.
 Before the flood the shade house looked like a jungle.

Hello friends, the cleanup is underway. The water has finally drained leaving a musty like smell in the air(more like sour).  Hopefully this will go soon when things become drier.  The sun is out hotter than ever so the ground should be dried out by weekend if it doesn't rain again. The air is very heavy with moisture, and this can bee seen in the early morning on the grass and plants. Take care folks and I will post soon. Have a great day!