
Showing posts with label crinum liliy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crinum liliy. Show all posts

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Flora and fauna day

The dogs were barking frantically and staring up the mango tree. I went to investigate and spotted this visitor at the top of the tree. I had seen him before on several occasions in that same location. He  would arrive every morning for breakfast. He would eat two mangoes in the tree and take the third one away.
I have tried having a conversation with him but he would only stare at me and continue eating.
 I haven't seen him since the mangoes have all gone and I will surely see him again when the fruit is in season.
 This crinum lily flower was so heavy that it fell to the ground out in the field so I decided to rescue it and put it in a vase. The smell was heavenly it didn't last very long once all the flowers opened.
 Another new flower was ready to open.
It opened the very next day and it is still standing.
These miniature red leaf crinums at night

In the daylight
Night blooming cereus or epiphyllum oxypetalum. They open around 8.00 pm and close early in the morning around 4.00 am The night air around the patio was filled with its perfume.
They are a one night stand only to die after exhibiting their ethereal beauty. Have a great day my friends.