
Showing posts with label cardwell lily. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cardwell lily. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Garden Blogger's Bloom Day May 15th 2017

Plumeria/Frangipani, Singapore Plum
Portlandia grandifolra

Denrobium orchid
Cardwell lily
Curry leaf flower
Spathiphyllum aka peace lily, its leaves are slug magnet
Desert Rose/adenium
Hello and welcome to GBBD where gardeners around the globe post what is blooming in their gardens. Today I am showing some of the white flowers in my garden.   We've recently had some rain after a very dry spell. I can't say for sure it is the start of  our rainy season but I will keep my finger crossed. 
To see more blooming gardens please go over and visit Carol at    May dreams gardens 
Have a great week folks!

Friday, August 15, 2014

Garden Blogger's Bloom Day august 2014

 Radermachera aka Tree jasmine
 Pentas enjoying the recent rains
 Martinique Cuphea

 Star Jasmine
 Singapore Plumeria
Cardwell lily

Hello and welcome to Garden Blogger's Bloom Day where gardeners around the world show what is blooming in their gardens. 
We have been getting some rain and the garden is green and weedy. I have been working on the front of the house  trying to give it more curb appeal.

 The weeds were disgusting!
 I was tired weeding the gravel walk so I decided to do a concrete walk way.
 New garden wall built from stones.
 Stone wall continues around the palms making a large planter.

To see more of what is blooming in other gardens in far off lands please visit Carol at Maydreams gardens. Have a great weekend!

Friday, July 17, 2009

blimey it's bloomin' Friday

lemon ginger monocostus uniflorus

dwarf oleander another poisonous plant

This is not a hosta after all it is a cardwell lily proiphys amboinsis

white mussaenda

plumbago a very poisonous plant

I cannot believe that it is blooming Friday again. Where has the week gone? It seems as if it is hurling down through the time tunnel. Still no rain and am now watering. Some of my potted plants have begun to shrivel up so I must water. Rain rain where are you? Have a great weekend to all you gardeners and garden bloggers. Visit Katerina on roses and stuff for more blooming Friday blooms