
Showing posts with label ground orchids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ground orchids. Show all posts

Monday, July 15, 2019

Garden Blogger's Bloom Day July 2019

 Lilac lagerstroemia speciosa aka insulin tree, Queen of flowers, Benaba, Queen crape myrtle
 The leaves of the lagerstroemia are used to treat diabetes, diarrhea and other diseases.
 A red carpet of Delonix Regia petals, aka Flamboyant, Royal Poinciana and Gul mohar in India

 Callistemon aka bottle brush an Australian native.

 Plumeria aka Frangipani,  singapore plumeria

 Ground Orchids are loving the rain

 Quisqualis aka Rangoon creeper in full bloom for the first time after a good pruning. They can be very invasive.

 Petunias still going strong after the rain last night.
Poutria lucuma aka cannistel, egg fruit first one on this tree.
 Dragon fruit
 Hello and welcome to Garden Blogger's Bloom Day where gardeners around the globe post what is blooming in their gardens. We have had some badly needed showers over the weekend. The plants are loving it. It is too wet to do much in the garden today so I will be running errands. To see more blooming gardens please go over to Carol's blog at www.maydreamsgardens
Have a great week gardening!

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Garden Blogger's Bloom Day June 2017

 Adenium  aka desert rose
 Calliandra emarginata aka dwarf  powder puff
 Heliconia rostrata aka lobster claw
 Plumeria aka frangipani

Delonix regia aka Royal poincianna, flamboyant, gul mohur

 Dragon fruit flower
Young dragon fruit aka pitaya
 Dragon fruit flower bud
 Tecoma x smithtii aka orange bells
 Zephyrantes aka rain lilies

 Ground orchids

Hello and welcome to GBBD where gardeners around the globe post what is blooming in their gardens. Yesterday we had a day of rain after a long dry spell.  It felt good! 
I have been trying to grow some Matthiolas aka night scented stocks  and I cant get them to bloom. I have lost several but these here are holding on. Anyone who has had experience growing these please drop me a line on how to get them to bloom. 
To see more blooming gardens please visit Carol at may dreams gardens
Have a great week folks!

Monday, June 15, 2015

Garden Blogger's Bloom Day June 2015

 Pentas in bloom on fence flower box
 Ground Orchids

 Barbados Amaryllis doing their thing.

 Clerodendron still blooming
 Singapore Plumeria fills the garden with its perfume
 Fallen blooms on the drought torn grass.
 White and yellow plumeria not as highly scented as the Singapore Plumeria
 Mango blooms that will bring forth fruit in another three months
 Impatients brightens this area at the front patio

Hello and welcome to Garden Blogger's Bloom Day where gardeners around the globe post what is blooming in their gardens. It is still very hot dry and very windy. We have had some sprinkles but not long enough to see any improvement in the landscape.
I have finally constructed a shade house for my seedlings and I also plan to do some for sale. A shade house is a necessity in the tropics. 
To see more of what is blooming around the world please visit Carol at may dreams gardens
Have a great week friends and please send us some rain if you are getting too much!