White duranta repens with their beautiful golden berries
Radermachera or tree Jasmine I brought back with me from Florida
Yellow ground orchid
Pinky looking ground orchid I got from tog of coral gables a few years ago thank you Jordan!
Pink pentas waiting to be transplanted
The gorgeous white mussaenda
I am sooo Happy to see the end of the mango season, my back ached collecting these fellows.
Hello and welcome to Garden blogger's bloom day where gardeners around the globe post what is blooming in their gardens. The mango season has come to an end (phew!) and I am elated! There were mangoes all over the house. My freezer is bursting with bags of the fruit and my husband is complaining that he can't get counter space in the kitchen. I just have one more tub of mangoes to prepare for freezing (my poor hands). We have been getting frequent short showers and the garden is now a verdant and weedy sanctuary. To see what is blooming in other gardens please go over to Carol at may dreams gardens where many gardeners can't wait to show you their gardens. Have a great week my friends.