The tree lined streets gave a me sense of serenity as I strolled.
The view from my cousin's kitchen window made doing the dishes a treat!
The colour of tree leaves was truly an amazing sight to behold this time of year.
White camellias I spotted in someone's garden and couldn't resist shooting.
Bright red berries just lit up the surroundings. I don't know the name but perhaps someone can help me.
Roses bloomed effortlessly
Lauren (right) with some of the cousins, Arlene,Judy and Mia left
I have been away the last two and a half weeks visiting Florida and South Carolina. My daughter Lauren and I spent Thanksgiving with cousins in South Carolina. We drove up from South Florida on Tuesday Nov 23 with a layover in Jacksonville and arrived in SC on November 24th. We had a grand time catching up with everyone and meeting new friends. The weather was chilly but that was a welcome change from the island's heat we have been experiencing. With camera in hand I was out and about snapping shots of flowers and trees not minding the cool weather at all. Stay tuned there is more to come.
To be continued............